Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections caused by parasites, bacteria, and viruses spread through sexual contact. According to the CDC, approximately 20% of the U.S. population has had an STI. This number indicates the need for education and awareness about STDs. There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about STDs, which makes it harder for people to protect themselves and get reliable care and support properly. In this blog, we will explore 10 myths about STDs.
What Causes STDs?
STDs spread mainly through sexual contact. They may pass from one individual to another through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and other bodily fluids. Sexually transmitted infections can also spread in other ways. For instance, infants can get STDs during pregnancy or childbirth. They can also spread through shared needles or blood transfusions.
10 Common STD Myths & Facts
Here are ten common myths about STDs that you should be aware of.
Myth 1: STDs Cannot be Transmitted Orally
Fact: Oral sex can definitely transmit STDs. The most common STDs transmitted through oral sex are herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, and HPV. HPV transmitted orally can cause warts in the throat and cancer in the head or neck.
Myth 2: Condoms are 100% Effective in Preventing STD Transmission
Fact: Some STDs can spread by skin-to-skin contact, such as herpes and genital warts. Although condoms minimize the risk of transmission, they are not 100% effective as a prevention technique.
Myth 3: All STDs Have Symptoms
Fact: Some STDs do not always cause symptoms; it’s possible to be infected but be asymptomatic. The only way to know for sure that you do not have an STD is to get tested.
Myth 4: Birth Control Pills Protect Against STDs
Fact: Birth control pills cannot prevent STDs. Oral contraception only helps to prevent pregnancy, so it’s important to practice safe sex and get tested even if you are on birth control.
Myth 5: You Can’t Get the Same STD Twice
Fact: This is not true of all STDs. Some STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be contracted multiple times.
Myth 6: You Can Only Get an STD If You Have Multiple Partners
Fact: Individuals with only one sexual partner can still get an STD if their partner is carrying one. Many people who have an STD are asymptomatic and do not even know they have one.
Myth 7: STDs Are Not Serious and Can Be Cured Easily
Fact: While some STDs can be cured with a few weeks of medication, others can only be managed, not cured. Some STDs, if they are not treated quickly, can progress into serious, even life-threatening, conditions.
Myth 8: Men and Women Have the Same STIs Symptoms
Fact: Men and women often have different STI symptoms. Common symptoms in men include pain and burning during urination and redness around the urethra. Common symptoms in women include vaginal discharge, pain and burning during urination, vaginal odors, and sometimes vaginal bleeding. Some STDs are more likely to be asymptomatic in men, while women are more likely to display symptoms.
Myth 9: Hot-Tub Sex Minimizes Your Risk of STDs
Fact: It’s a common myth that having sex in a hot tub kills the bacteria that cause STDs. However, there is no evidence that hot tub sex reduces the risk of contracting an STD. In fact, it may increase the risk of vaginal infections in women.
Myth 10: An STD Will Go Away By Itself
Fact: TDs do not go away by themselves. They require testing and immediate treatment to cure or manage symptoms safely. If you suspect you have an STD or if you have been recently sexually active, you must get tested immediately.
How to Prevent STDs?
Here’s how you can reduce your chances of contracting an STD:
- Use proper protection during sexual intercourse, such as condoms and dental dams
- Get vaccinated for STDs such as hepatitis B, hepatitis A, and HPV
- Get tested regularly, and ask your partners to get tested as well
- Take PrEP if you are at risk of contracting HIV
- If you notice STD symptoms, see a healthcare provider immediately
Think You May Have an STD? Visit Equality Health in Oklahoma
If you are sexually active or have any STD symptoms, it’s important to get tested and treated right away. At Equality Health, we provide you with a safe and secure environment to get tested and treated with proper support from our reliable healthcare professionals. Schedule an appointment today.
STDs can result in serious, lifelong complications. It’s important to educate yourself about sexual wellness so that you can protect yourself and your partners and receive proper medical care. Visit our clinic – Equality Health – for safe STD testing, treatment, and post-treatment care.