Early treatment for HIV is a game changer for HIV patients. It helps them manage the virus, protect their immune system, and improve their quality of life. While side effects of HIV medication are still a concern, advancement in antiretroviral therapy ensures safe early intervention for HIV. If you take advantage of early treatment for HIV, you can maintain your overall health, reduce transmission risk, and protect your sexual partners.
What is HIV Treatment?
HIV treatment, also known as antiretroviral therapy, includes a combination of HIV medicines that stop the replication of the virus in your body. This allows the immune system to heal and prevents more damage. It’s better to start HIV treatment at an early stage to slow down the progression of HIV and keep yourself healthy for many years. If left untreated, HIV can progress and cause AIDS.
Early HIV Warning Signs
Generally, a person has three stages of HIV infection: acute, chronic, and AIDS. Sometimes, acute HIV symptoms look like other viral illnesses symptoms. Not everyone has the same symptoms. Symptoms of the acute phase may feel like the flu and include fever, headaches, and a rash.
When Should HIV be Treated?
HIV patients should start their antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as they are diagnosed with HIV. This reduces the risk of developing AIDS and other complications. ART also reduces the viral load of HIV in your body, reducing the risk that you will transmit the disease to anyone else.
Advantages of Early Treatment for HIV
Here are some of the benefits of starting HIV treatment as soon as possible.
1. Reduces Viral Load in Your Body
Early treatment for HIV reduces the viral load in your body. This limits the risk of HIV transmission to other people through shared syringes, sexual activity, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Lowering the viral load improves overall health and protects your immune system from further damage. When patients take HIV medicines as prescribed, they reduce the HIV in their blood and keep their immune systems in better working condition.
2. Reduces HIV-Related Cancer Risk
Antiretroviral therapy helps significantly lower cancer risk in HIV-infected patients. It allows your immune system to heal and function normally, increasing your protection against cancer and other complications.
3. Prevents Infections
If you leave HIV untreated, your immune system deteriorates over time. As a result, your immune system won’t be able to fight normal viruses. You will be more susceptible to infections like tuberculosis and pneumonia. Combination antiretroviral therapy enables patients to reduce viral load and fight against the virus.
4. Prevents HIV Transfer
HIV treatment helps you prevent the transmission of HIV to your sexual partner. Through early treatment of HIV, you can lower your viral load to an undetectable level. This significantly reduces the risk that you will transmit the disease to anyone else.
5. Prevents AIDS
If HIV is not treated on time, it leads to AIDS. When you have AIDS, your immune system will be damaged, and you will be more vulnerable to cancer and other life-threatening infections. Starting HIV treatment in the early stages helps you prevent this progression and maintain your health long-term.
Possible Side Effects of HIV Medications
Like every other medication, HIV treatment does have some side effects. However, most of them decrease or go away over time. Some of the most common side effects include the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Poor appetite
How Much Does HIV Treatment Cost?
HIV treatment cost varies based on where you are living and what type of insurance you have. Some other factors that affect HIV treatment costs include the type of medication and the healthcare provider, pharmacist, or clinic you are using.
Get Tested and Treated Today
It’s important to get early treatment for HIV as it helps you manage the virus and gain long-term health benefits. Moreover, early treatment reduces the risk of life-threatening conditions like cancer, AIDS, and other severe diseases. If you need HIV testing, HIV treatment, or PrEP for HIV prevention, Equality Health is the right clinic for you. Our team provides affordable and accessible treatment to HIV-positive patients. Contact us for early treatment for HIV today.